- Laser epilation
- Laser body contouring and cellulite removal
Permanent Laser Hair Removal
Since the old ages and in all cultures and regions, women were removing unwanted body hair. Laser research of the renowned company "Lumenis" had developed the newest hair removal method with the most advanced laser in the world The LightSheer Diode Laser System.
Specialist Practice in Dermato-Venereology, "Epiderm - Jegda Novkovic M.D. Belgrade", which is in the very center of Belgrade, near the Slavija Square, in the vicinity od The Medical School, 52 Svetozara Markovica street, offers you the newest and the most sophisticated method of permanent hair removal with the "LightSheer Diode Laser System".
The newest and worldwide most accepted non-invasive method of hair removal is laser epilation by selective photothermolysis. This method has been in use for several years in America and many European countries, but it should be separated from cosmetic products such as IPL, etc. because the medical diode laser is by far stronger, faster and more efficient.
With direct contact of the hand piece the laser beam is pointed at skin. The light penetrates through the skin and is absorbed in the target pigment (melanin) found in the hair shaft. This causes the temperature to reach a sufficiently high level in the hair follicle so that the targeted hair structures are destroyed and regrowth is inhibited.In order to protect the surrounding skin structures from thermal damage, these state of the art lasers have epidermal cooling applied to the treated part of the skin. Besides protecting the skin, they play the main role in subjective sense of pain.
3-4 weeks before the procedure hair must not be whitened, plucked or waxed in order to protect the hair follicule. One month prior and 15 days after the treatment avoid tanning booths or exposure to the sun. Only dark hair can be treated. Blond and grey hair cannot be treated.
Usually, 3-5 re-touch treatments are needed. Every treatment is followed by a "stand by" period of 2-3 months, depending on the treated area. All body areas can be treated, with the exception of the eye area.
Women are mostly removing hair from the bikini line, underarms and legs. These treatments are also recommended as therapy in case of folliculitis when acne and warts are developed. Laser epilation is not dangerous in the underarm area, bikini line or chest area because the laser beam penetrates only several millimeters under the skin surface and the gland structures stay way below.
Men mostly remove unwanted hair from the neck, shoulders, back and chest. The treatment is safe and there are absolutely no side effects. The treatment does not leave scarring or pigmentation. This is an ultimate solution, the least painful and the most efficient and fast.
The treatment leaves the skin smooth and beautiful, thus creating a positive effect crucial for any woman or man. It is important for patients to understand that diode lasers are highly delicate machines, and can be dangerous if used improperly. Unless a physician is supervising and is regularly on-site, it is not advisable to have any treatment performed there.
Choose carefully the right person and remember that the qualifications, experience and recommendation are the only way for a successful and completely safe laser hair removal.
Lasersko oblikovanje tela i uklanjanje celulita
Tri-active laser dermology laser body contouring and shaping of the newest technology is a successful method for shaping and tightening the body and removal of unwanted cellulite. The laser enhances microcirculation and lymphatic drainage, it improves the metabolism of the cells and it generates new collagen making the surface skin fresher, younger and tighter.